09 Aug

When it comes to interior design, one of the best ways to create an interesting space is by simply re-using existing furniture. You don't need to go out and buy a whole new set of furniture or buy something brand new from Ikea - instead, you can just re-purpose some old pieces or repurpose them into something different. You don't even have to spend much money doing it!

Use wood as a main feature.

If you want to incorporate wood into your home, one of the best ways to do so is to use it as a main feature. Wood is a versatile material that can be used in many different ways. It can be used as an accent or it can also be the main material of furniture such as chairs and tables. Wood is also durable and has been used for thousands of years due to its strength, ability for long term use, and versatility with regards to how it can be carved into different shapes and sizes.

Think about adding some metal accents.

Metal accents are a great way to add an industrial touch to your wood furniture. They can be made from iron, copper or aluminum, and come in a wide range of styles, shapes and sizes. You can also find them in different finishes—like polished chrome or distressed brass!

If you want to add some modern flair, consider using metal as accent pieces on the tops of tables and end tables. A few round metal pillow-top stools in bright colors would also look fabulous with any wood furniture set. A little bit goes a long way here: Metal accessories can be pricey but they're well worth it because they'll last forever!

Add layers of texture.

Add layers of texture.

One way to create a unique space is to break the rules and add textures that don't typically go together. For example, you can use different materials in the same room or on one piece of furniture, such as wood and marble, or glass and metal. You can also use different textures on the same piece of furniture or on multiple pieces in your décor, like leather upholstery paired with a velvet cushion (add some nailheads for extra drama). Or you could even use different materials within one design element—for instance, wood floors accented with woven rugs on top of them.

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Stick to all natural materials.

  • Stick to all natural materials.
  • Create a rustic look with wood, metal and stone.
  • Create a modern look with wood, metal and stone.
  • Create a traditional look with wood, metal and stone.
  • Create a contemporary look with wood, metal and stone

Add in some greenery.

The best home interior designers in Mumbai suggest that greenery is a great way to add colour and texture to your home. Plants can help bring more light into a room, clean the air, and even improve mental health! But don't just throw in any plant willy-nilly: some plants are better than others for this task.

For example, if you want something that won't take up much space or need much watering, consider adding succulents into your space. They're easy to care for (just put them where they'll get sunlight) but they look beautiful when arranged nicely in a vase or in groups on shelves or tables.

Some other types of greenery that are good choices are: ferns (they're also easy to take care of), ivy (it grows slowly so it won't overtake your home), mosses (you can buy containers with moss inside them already grown), air plants (these don't need soil at all—just hang them somewhere bright!), cacti/succulents/desert plants; bonsai trees; small flowering shrubs such as hydrangeas; herbs like thyme or rosemary

Go for open shelves and cupboards.

You can use open shelves and cupboards to add some extra storage to your home. You can also use them to display items in a decorative way that is both functional, since they help you keep things organized, and decorative, since they offer something visually interesting for guests’ eyes to focus on when they enter the room.

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Use furniture to create an accent wall.

Incorporating furniture can be a great way to add depth and character to your space. A piece of furniture that has been repurposed as art or even just something that doesn’t match the rest of the room can be used as an accent wall. This is a good option if you want to use wood, but don't want to add flooring. You can also try using furniture in places other than walls: instead, place them on shelves or above doorways.

Add in some rustic elements.

  • Reclaimed wood
  • Natural materials
  • Chunky style furniture
  • Rustic design

Here are some ways to incorporate these elements into your design:

Make your accessories match the colour scheme of your other furniture.

  • Use accessories to add a splash of colour to your room.
  • Use accessories to add a splash of colour to your space.
  • Make your accessories match the colour scheme of your other furniture.

You can create a beautiful space just by re-using existing furniture and sprucing it up a bit

If you're looking for ways to incorporate wood into your space, there are lots of options. You can use wood as the basis of your design plan, or you can simply add in some accents and accents. If you want to go all-in on a wood theme but don't have a lot of money to spend on furniture and decorating, try this approach:

  • Decorate with lots of natural plants (they're not just for people!) because they will fill up open spaces and make the area feel more luxurious than it might otherwise be.
  • Use metal accents throughout the room—this will make it feel more modern while still keeping things cozy.
  • Go for open shelves and cupboards rather than closed ones—open shelving allows you to customize each shelf's contents according to what works best for its function (such as storing cookbooks) without taking up too much visual space by leaving everything out in plain sight like so many people do these days!


We hope these tips by the top interior designers in Mumbai have helped you to create a beautiful space that fits your needs and personal style. Remember, the key is to think outside of the box and focus on what makes you happy. 

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